3. Results and discussion
3.1. Prevalence of Arcobacter spp.
The prevalence of Arcobacter in analyzed cow milk, WB milk and
fresh village cheese samples was found to be 36%, 48% and 56%
respectively (Table 1). Eight different Arcobacter species were
identified in all samples. The most commonly isolated Arcobacter
species were A. butzleri (38.89%) in cow milk; A. cryaerophilus
(33.33%) in WB milk and A. skirrowii (28.57%) in fresh village cheese.
A. nitrofigilis, A. cloacae and A. cibarius were identified in all type
of samples; A. halophilus was identified in only cow milk;
A. bivalviorum species were also identified in fresh village cheese
and WB milk. More than one species was identified in one cow
milk sample (A. butzleri + A. cryaerophilus), in two WB milk samples
(A. butzleri + A. cryaerophilus and A. butzleri + A. skirrowii)
and in three fresh village cheese samples (A. butzleri + A. skirrowii,
A. cryaerophilus + A. skirrowii and A. butzleri + A. cryaerophilus +