The method of plantation establishment was another important factor
affecting roseroot growth and phenylpropanoid content. Roseroot could
be reproduced from seeds or veget atively (by cuttings) (Platikanov and
Estatieva, 2008). Despite the appearance of flowering shoots in the first
year of cultivation, vegetative method is more labor-intensive and less
efficient. In the case of generative reproduction, seeds need stratification
and could be sowed in the autumn or the spring (Platikanov
and Estatieva, 2008). When autumn sowing was used, plants early
begun vegetation in the first year of cultivation, which resulted in
better plant growth and development in subsequent years. Independently
from the experimental factors, underground part yields from
that object were by 42% and 38% higher, respectively in the first and
second year of vegetation (Table 1) incomparison to spring sowing.However,
raw material obtained from spring seed sowing contained significantly
higher amount of phenylpropanoids (Table 1). In contrast to
Platikanov and Estatieva (2008) in our experiments we proved that it is
possible to establish new roseroot plantation with direct seed sowing instead
of production and transplantation of seedlings recommended by
Platikanov and Estatieva (2008).