Fecal coliform bacteria only isolated from well
water sample of Tehkal Bala. Simalary all tube well’s
water samples were analyzed for detection of E. coli.
Present study result indicate that all tube well’s water
sample were found free from E. coli contamination.
In analyzed distribution network samples coliform
rs range from 1.1 to >23 MPN/100 mL. highest
coliform count >23 MPN/100 mL were found in
distribution network samples of Shaheen Town, Tehkal
Bala, New Arbab Colony , Ahmad Abad and Academic
Town, while lowest coliform count 1.1 MPN/100 mL
was found in distribution network sample collected
from Hayatabad Phase 4. All distribution network
samples were coliform positive. Fecal coliform were
isolated from water distribution network of Tehkal
Bala, New Arbab Colony, Academic Town, Sadar Mall
Road and Gulbahar. Fecal coliform positive samples
were further analyzed for detection of E. coli. E. coli
was detected in water distribution network samples of
Tehkal Bala, New Arbab Colony and Academic Town.
Water samples collected from storage tanks coli
form bacteria count within the range between 2.2 to >23
MPN/100 mL. Minimum coli form 2.2 MPN/100 mL
were detected in storage tank water sample collected
from Hayatabad Phase 4 while maximum coli form
bacteria were detected in storage tanks water sample of
University Town, Shaheen Town, Tehkal Bala, New
Arbab Colony, Ahmad Abad and Academic Town. All
collected water samples from storage tanks were
coliform positive.
Fecal coliform bacteria only isolated from wellwater sample of Tehkal Bala. Simalary all tube well’swater samples were analyzed for detection of E. coli.Present study result indicate that all tube well’s watersample were found free from E. coli contamination.In analyzed distribution network samples coliformNumbers range from 1.1 to >23 MPN/100 mL. highestcoliform count >23 MPN/100 mL were found indistribution network samples of Shaheen Town, TehkalBala, New Arbab Colony , Ahmad Abad and AcademicTown, while lowest coliform count 1.1 MPN/100 mLwas found in distribution network sample collectedfrom Hayatabad Phase 4. All distribution networksamples were coliform positive. Fecal coliform wereisolated from water distribution network of TehkalBala, New Arbab Colony, Academic Town, Sadar MallRoad and Gulbahar. Fecal coliform positive sampleswere further analyzed for detection of E. coli. E. coliwas detected in water distribution network samples ofTehkal Bala, New Arbab Colony and Academic Town.Water samples collected from storage tanks coliform bacteria count within the range between 2.2 to >23MPN/100 mL. Minimum coli form 2.2 MPN/100 mLwere detected in storage tank water sample collectedfrom Hayatabad Phase 4 while maximum coli formbacteria were detected in storage tanks water sample ofUniversity Town, Shaheen Town, Tehkal Bala, NewArbab Colony, Ahmad Abad and Academic Town. Allcollected water samples from storage tanks werecoliform positive.
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