D e s c r i p t i o n of holotype:
Rostral nearly three times as wide as high,
bordered by 2 labials and 7 smooth postrostrals,
followed by 10 feebly keeled
scales. All other scales covering the snout
and interorbital area distinctly keeled; 6
rows of scales between supraoculars; 9 -
11 supra-, 1 1 - 1 2 infralabials; 45 - 46
rows of scales between the light dorsolateral
stripes when counted in the middle of
the body; 43 - 46 rows of scales between
the median line of the belly and the small
dorsal scales; 13 enlarged scales across the
lower part of tibia; series of 19/19 femoral
pores separated medially by 15 pubic
scales; fourth toe with 31 bicarinate subdigital
scales; 3 scales with enlarged triangular
"spurs" at the base of third toe.
Snout-vent length 110 mm; tail
length 245 mm.