The richness and assemblages of wood-inhabiting macrofungi have been linked in previous studies to stage of wood
decay and diameter of wood (e.g. Renvall 1995; Høiland & Bendiksen 1996; Norde´n et al. 2004), volume (Heilmann-
Clausen & Christensen 2004; Irse_naite_ & Kutorga 2007), and stand structure/age (Norde´n&Paltto 2001). The species ofwood also affect the diversity of wood-inhabiting fungi (Jung 1987; Nakasone 1993; Hood et al. 2004). Furthermore, community development can be stimulated or inhibited by environmental factors. For example, Takahashi & Kagaya (2005) found that a species which usually occurred on CWD of a certain size or decay class fruited on CWD of other sizes or decay classes subjected to different temperature and moisture conditions.