Fish bombing is a form of destructive fishing and is illegal in Malaysia. It involves the use of explosives. These explosives are normally homemade using simple artificial chemicals derived from fertilisers mixed with kerosene in a bottle. To activate it, the fuse is lit and the bottle dumped into the water. When the charge explodes, it causes shock waves which kill or stun fish. The fish then float to the surface or sink to the bottom. This enables the blast fishers to easily collect them.
Why is it so bad?
Using a bomb to decimate fish does not even sound right at all to the rational human being. If one is not at all put off even by the thought of such activity, then here are some 'rational' reasons why fish bombing is illegal and should not be practiced at all.
Whenever explosives are used, no matter in what context, one expects collateral damage. Such destructive practices are very damaging to the eco-system as the explosions normally destroy the surrounding habitat i.e. coral reefs and other marine life.
You may not be convinced yet. "They're just fish and ‘stuff’," you may say. How about the human impact?
Blast fishers expose themselves to severe risks of injury and even death by engaging in such behaviour. After all, they are explosives, and homemade ones at that. Just walk into fishing villages where blast fishers are known to reside. Every villager would be able to relate a story to you of a person who had his hands blown off or died because of premature exploding bombs.
“Well, maybe they deserve it,” you now say, “if they are willing to participate in such high risk methods.” But people who know better and do not use destructive methods of fishing are also affected. There are hundreds of thousands of artisanal fisherman who have been seriously affected, when their traditional fishing grounds eventually become barren due to continued blast fishing activity.
Economically, blast fishing only has a temporary yield. For example, in Southwest Sulewasi, Indonesia, the net annual income per fish dropped from US$6,450 to less than US$550 after repetitive use of destructive fishing methods. Closer to home in Sabah, fisheries production has dropped by over 70% over the last 20 years while the net income from each hectare of reef has fallen by 80%.
Why then do people still practice such habits?
For some fishermen, the lower yield in fish from traditional methods of fishing have forced them to turn to blast fishing, even though it exposes them to many dangers. They resort to it to ensure that they can continue putting food on the table for their families. However, for the majority of blast fishermen, it is simply easier and they can make more money using such methods. It all boils down to greed.
Many people think that blast fisherman constitute the hardcore poor, but if you were to go to these villages, you will soon find that those who head the dynamite fishing cooperatives are usually the ones driving new cars and buying new houses. Even then, we cannot altogether put the blame on the fishermen alone. There is an incentive for their greed. Our industry is such that upscale tourists hotels and restaurants are in constant demand for fresh seafood. Fish markets in Hong Kong and Singapore, for example, will pay premium prices for fresh fish. We condemn such behaviour, but in the end, we are funding it.
How then are we supposed to stop this?
Blast fishing is illegal. However, enforcement is a totally different ball game. Often, there is too little money or desire to enforce these environmental laws. Malaysians should be more than familiar with the reasons for such lax enforcement.
That being said, all is not lost. There are ways in which we can address these issues. Examples of success stories can be used as case studies to be implemented here. In Indonesia, laws are most often enforced where external organisations help rangers and police do their jobs. In Cebu, Philippines, there have been collaborations between officials and village communities to provide information and help to patrol the surrounding waters.
It has been proven time and time again that firmer enforcement is an effective strategy in managing blast fishing. It is understandable that all these require resources. The government and the states cannot idly sit by and watch their reefs disappear. More oversight is necessary. Additional patrols can always be supported through fees charged to divers and tourists for example. Effective management of Marine Protected Areas is instrumental for its success. Excuses are aplenty when it comes to tackling these issues. Many people think that blast fishing is ingrained in tradition and therefore difficult to eradicate. But it only takes one generation to stop a practice that is rooted in tradition. Action has to be taken now, otherwise, it may just be too late.
What is Reef Check doing about it?
Words are easier said than done. One problem that's impeding the effective management of fish bombing is the lack of proper data. The coasts are vast and we acknowledge that it is almost impossible to patrol every single area. But with data, we will be able to pin point the "hot" areas where blast fishermen conduct their activities and also even when they are most likely to do so.
Reef Check Malaysia has established a data collection system with the hope of being able to spot fish bombing trends. It was designed to be simple enough to report with a simple form.
Alternatively, you can send us a text at +6011 2532 7368. The success of the system will rest on cooperation i.e. You (if you're going diving anywhere in Malaysia, of course). We need all the information we can gather, and we really mean ALL. So please try to remember Reef Check Malaysia the next time you hear a "Click...BOOM!” If we do not put an end to this, the next one might just be right above our heads.