The developed active film could be used to maintain the nutritional
quality and extend shelf life of oils and related products,
avoiding the addition of large amounts of food additives. Under
the studied conditions, for each additive, a 2 wt.% concentration
in the film was enough to provide the greatest antioxidant effect.
The Quality Control tool of the used software seems to be an
interesting way to determine the induction time of degradation
of edible oils. The 3009 cm1 band, assigned to cis double bond,
was the most sensitive in the determination of induction times
using the pseudo-first order kinetics approach. In the set of bands
corresponding to conjugated double bonds, only the trans–trans
configuration band (987 cm1
) was observed in the 60 C condition
even at short times in the control sample, indicating a high rate
isomerization of cis–trans and trans–cis isomers to the trans–trans
BHT delays oil oxidation more efficiently than a-tocopherol,
probably due to a synergic effect of the first one with the naturally
occurring vitamin E in the soybean oil.
Results suggest that BHT releasing behavior depends on the
hydrogen bonding interaction with the urethane group and it could
be the aim of future works.