The Large Optical Cavity (A1Ga)As-GaAs heterojunction laser diode was
recently described' with the unique feature that the p-type recombination
region and the n-type mode guiding region were independently adjusted. A
single fabrication technology can be used to prepare lasers designed for
various applications ranging from CW to high peak pulsed power operation
by keeping the recombination region thickness constant and simply varying
the thickness of the mode guiding region. LOC lasers are capable of
efficient operation to ambient temperatures in excess of 100°C. Because of
their reduced susceptibility to catastrophic facet damage, suitably designed
lasers and laser arrays are useful as high power sources in high temperature
ambients where laser operation was previously not practical. For
example, 63 W of peak pulsed power was obtained at 100°C from a small
10-element series-connected array