Nonformal learning and combined approaches[edit]
The educational system may use a combination of formal, informal, and nonformal learning methods. The UN and EU recognize these different forms of learning (cf. links below). In some schools students can get points that count in the formal-learning systems if they get work done in informal-learning circuits. They may be given time to assist international youth workshops and training courses, on the condition they prepare, contribute, share and can prove this offered valuable new insight, helped to acquire new skills, a place to get experience in organizing, teaching, etc.
In order to learn a skill, such as solving a Rubik's Cube quickly, several factors come into play at once:
Directions help one learn the patterns of solving a Rubik's Cube.
Practicing the moves repeatedly and for extended time helps with "muscle memory" and therefore speed.
Thinking critically about moves helps find shortcuts, which in turn helps to speed up future attempts.
The Rubik's Cube's six colors help anchor solving it within the head.
Occasionally revisiting the cube helps prevent negative learning or loss of skill.