Effective governance - working in partnership has been developed to help school boards of trustees understand their governance role and responsibilities. As a trustee, if you are clear about your role and responsibilities and what you are accountable for, then you have a sound basis for thinking about the accountabilities, roles and responsibilities of others in the school.
To support school trustees in their important role, the Ministry of Education commissioned BoardWorks International, and worked with the New Zealand School Trustee Association (NZSTA), to produce Effective governance - Working in partnership. This resource outlines effective governance's purpose, principles and practices.
This resource is part of a range of board training and support provided by the Ministry. This training includes both webinar (web-based seminars) and tailored face-to-face training and support.
Download and print a copy of Effective governance - Working in partnership from the link below. Schools can order a copy from Down the Back of the Chair.
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