I used your translation services earlier in march. (and so happy with them!)
It so happens now that i need some more help. My husband (thai) is currently in Norway with me and we are travelling to Bangkok the 10th of August.
I'm hoping that you guys can help me prepair the translation and legalization of those translations before we come to Bangkok, so that we can hand in the application for the marriage visa on the 11th at the embassy.
What i need:
- translation of house register (thai to english)
- translation of birth certificate (thai to english)
- legalization (stamp from the ministry of foregin affairs) for both documents.
Can you please help us with this?
I was thinking we could send you the documents by post if you provide the adress of your new location? And then we can pay the fees when we come to pick up the documents at your office on the 11th?