However, of great significance is the fact that fabricators already certified in Divisions 1 or 2 of CSA
W47.1 are accepted as certified under the W186 Standard with only a few additional requirements
related mainly to welding procedure qualifications and welder qualification for flare groove welding.
Conditions attached to the qualification of the engineering and supervisory personnel include
educational and practical experience requirements. However, in each case as already stated, pertinent
qualification under W47.1 is given almost full recognition under this Standard.
Welding procedure qualifications are covered with appropriate test assemblies and types of tests
together with specified ranges of acceptable test results.
Qualification of welders is given similar comprehensive coverage with validity extended to two years.
Qualification on flare grooves is taken as acceptable for fillet welds while fillet qualifications under the
W47.1 Standard are also considered valid.
For other than visual inspection, the Standard requires the use of inspection organizations certified to
the CSA W178.1 Standard.
In one of the appendices, typical design solutions are provided for guidance of the designer. All
classical types of joints and welds are used to illustrate the calculation procedures.
2.13 CSA Standard W178.1
Qualification Code for Welding Inspection Organizations
2.13.1 General
The W178.1 Standard uses the qualification concept of the W47.1 Standard and hence encompasses
the full organization or its respective division performing welding inspection. As a national standard
administered by the Canadian Welding Bureau, it serves to ensure uniform and reliable inspection
capabilities of companies engaged in quality control of welded structures.
In view of the growing national and international appreciation of quality in the manufacturing process,
the competency of inspection services assumes ever-increasing importance. Design sophistication and
advanced exploration of material capabilities further substantiate this importance.
The W178.1 Standard, although clearly written for certification of independent inspection organizations,
does not preclude its application to the manufacturer’s or fabricator’s own inspection systems. Its main
objective is to set basic requirements for obtaining and maintaining certification in any of the clearly
identified inspection service categories.