As announced in April, the search area has been expanded beyond an original 60,000 square kilometre search
area to enable up to 120,000 square kilometres to
be searched if required.
In the absence of credible new
information that leads to the identification of a specific location of the aircraft, Governments have agreed that
there will be no further expansion of the search area beyond the 120,000 square kilom
Search operations have been modified and Fugro vessels have undergone winterisation to enable continuous
search operations during winter, as well as to ensure that the required area is searched as
and effectively
as possible.
Over coming w
eeks, search operations will be focused in the south to take advantage of the last of
the better weather in that area p
rior to the expected onset of continuous poor weather during winter. Safety of the
search crews, as always, remains a priority and vesse
ls and equipment utilised will vary to reflect operational
needs, particularly during
winter months.
The Malaysian Government has advised that the contract with
GO Phoenix
will end with the completion of the
current swing and the vessel will transit to Singapore
More than 50,000 square kilometres of the seafloor have
been searched so far.