3.3. Quality
3.3.1. Weight change, cook loss & expressible moisture
All samples gained weight (3 ± 1.2 g) during curing. US intensities of
10.7 and 17.1 W cm−2 caused less weight gain (p b 0.001) than the control
and at 25.4 W cm−2 intensity. The average cook loss and expressible
moisture were 18.4 ± 1.3 and 17 ± 1.3%, respectively, with no effect ofUS intensity (p N 0.05) and no visible trend in the data (not shown).
These findings were in agreement with previous work which suggests
no effect of US curing on cook loss and water-binding properties
(McDonnell, Lyng, & Allen, 2013b; McDonnell et al., 2013a).