The administered dose was extremely high, 400g SLN dispersion with lipid content of 10%, six times bolus injection within 20 days.
This does correspondents to 100 g of lipid given six-fold to men (75 kg) in a bolus injection.
Using SLN as a drug carrier the does of lipid would be distinctly lower (e.g. single does of 1 g lipid, corresponding to 10 ml
of 10% SLN dispersion).
For the cetylpalmitate SLN no pathological effects were obtained even in this high concentration.
SLN composed of Compritol led to an accumulation of the lipid in liver and spleen and subsequently to pathological alterations which were partially reversible within 6 weeks after i.v. administration.
These side effectswere attributed to the slowdegradation of the Compritolmatrix.
Administration of Compritol SLN in a lower dose (200l SLN dispersion, lipid content 2.5%) led to a good tolerability.
All in all this in vivo study of SLN indicated a good tolerability of this carrier system (Weyhers et al., 2005).