Equations: Insurance sector dynamics
1. core service ¼ underpinning knowledge, 100;
2. underpinning knowledge ¼ core service*rate of service knowledge gain;
3. rate of service knowledge gain ¼ 0:1;
4. human element of service ¼ manpower*productivity;
5. manpower ¼ 100;
6. productivity ¼ 0:6;
7. nonhuman element ¼ efficiency of personnel*ICT tools;
8. ICT tools ¼ 10;
9. efficiency of personnel ¼ 0:6;
10. tangibles of service ¼ knowledge;
11. knowledge ¼ rate of knowledge gain*tangibles of service;
12. rate of knowledge gain ¼ 0:1;
13. social responsibility ¼ satisfaction index*societal needs;
14. societal needs ¼ 10;
15. satisfaction index ¼ 0:6;
16. service quality perception ¼ core service þ human element of service þ nonhuman
element þ social responsibility þ tangibles of service;
17. external communication ¼ customer contacts, 100;
18. customer contacts ¼ contact rate*External communication;
19. contact index ¼ 1;
20. word of mouth ¼ contact index*number of insurance holders;
21. number of insurance holders ¼ 100;
22. contact index ¼ 1;
23. past experience ¼ influence factor*customer perception of expectation;
24. influence factor ¼ 0:6;
25. customer perception of expectation ¼ 3; 000;
26. personal needs ¼ customer perception of expectation*personal need factor;
27. personal need factor ¼ 0:6;
28. external communication ¼ customer contacts, 100;
29. customer * rate*external communication;
30. contact rate ¼ 0.1;