Sandy loam soil is the most suitable for vegetable cultivation 90.0 10.0
Crop rotation helps proper nutrient management 80.0 20.0
Mixed cropping does control weed 14.0 86.0
Flood irrigation is good for organic vegetable cultivation 80.0 20.0
The proper time for transplanting vegetables is at noon 50.0 50.0
Pesticides should not be used before harvesting vegetables 70.0 30.0
Quality seeds are not important for getting higher yield 43.0 67.0
Organically balanced fertilizer increases vegetables yield 81.0 19.0
Aphid/fruit fly is a disease of leafy vegetables 60.0 40.0
Chinese kale is a summer vegetable 46.0 54.0
Weedicides may be used for weed control for OVP 53.0 47.0
For OVP, chemical pesticides can be used at a critical stage 47.0 53.0
Only organic pesticide is used for pest control in OVP 37.0 63.0
Green manure adds organic matter to the soil 70.0 30.0
Harvesting in the morning reduces the field heat of vegetables 49.0