Beyond the norm
One such company is Australia- based Sundrop Farms, which uses what it describes as a process simi- lar to thermal desalination,
whereby the sun’s energy desali- nates seawater to produce fresh water for irrigation. The seawater is then effectively cleaned and steri- lises the air, which allows crops to grow without pesticides.
Philipp Saumweber, the firm’s managing director, confirms it is a very technology-driven industry. He says: “It has been moving in this direction for a while, but I would say that generally the greenhouse industry is there to overcome barri- ers that normal agriculture faces.
Beyond the normOne such company is Australia- based Sundrop Farms, which uses what it describes as a process simi- lar to thermal desalination,whereby the sun’s energy desali- nates seawater to produce fresh water for irrigation. The seawater is then effectively cleaned and steri- lises the air, which allows crops to grow without pesticides.Philipp Saumweber, the firm’s managing director, confirms it is a very technology-driven industry. He says: “It has been moving in this direction for a while, but I would say that generally the greenhouse industry is there to overcome barri- ers that normal agriculture faces.
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