Substance declaration in IMDS
4.1 Information about reporting the presence of declarable substances
The International Material Data System (IMDS) contains detailed information on materials and
substances in automobile parts. IMDS Recommendations give instructions on how to report the
presence of declarable substances in parts and materials. In addition, specific requirements of
individual vehicle manufacturers can be found. GADSL is standard in IMDS.
Refer to
4.2 Function of GADSL and IMDS Basic Substance List (IMDS-BSL)
The complete list of substances in IMDS is called the BSL “Basic Substance List”. To simplify
identification and reporting of GADSL-listed substances they are marked separately with D or P
in IMDS System.
5. Disclaimer
If GADSL is translated in any other language, the English original issue is the official version.
No liability claims can be derived from referencing the GADSL: The contents of the GADSL
and its application do not relieve any of the parties involved in the process chain from their
obligation to comply with all the government regulations regarding hazardous materials and any
resulting additional prohibitions or application limitation.