Domestic wastewater is a source of phosphorus contamination that causes eutrophication when it
contaminates aquatic environments. Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. and Cyperus alternifolius L. were applied
for phosphorus removal from domestic wastewater. From the study, phosphorus in domestic wastewater
was removed from the initial concentration of 1.038 0.001 mgL1 to 0.094 0.001 and
0.048 0.004 mgL1 by N. nucifera and C. alternifolius, respectively, within 5 days. In addition, total
Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) also decreased when wetland systems were
applied the same as treatment with conventional method (chemical þ activated sludge process). However,
the plant removed TDS better than the conventional method. During 5 cycles of exposure, the two
plants still survived and were healthy. The weight of plants increased after the experiment from
4060 0.05 g to 4820 0.17 g of N. nucifera, and from 4000 0.00 g to 4600 0.14 g of C. alternifolius.
Phosphorus content also increased in both plants after the experiment. However, in the wetland system,
phosphorus was removed mainly by the soil, followed by the plants, and then microorganisms. The
domain group in the microbial community of both wetland systems was Pseudomas sp
Domestic wastewater is a source of phosphorus contamination that causes eutrophication when itcontaminates aquatic environments. Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. and Cyperus alternifolius L. were appliedfor phosphorus removal from domestic wastewater. From the study, phosphorus in domestic wastewaterwas removed from the initial concentration of 1.038 0.001 mgL1 to 0.094 0.001 and0.048 0.004 mgL1 by N. nucifera and C. alternifolius, respectively, within 5 days. In addition, totalKjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) also decreased when wetland systems wereapplied the same as treatment with conventional method (chemical þ activated sludge process). However,the plant removed TDS better than the conventional method. During 5 cycles of exposure, the twoplants still survived and were healthy. The weight of plants increased after the experiment from4060 0.05 g to 4820 0.17 g of N. nucifera, and from 4000 0.00 g to 4600 0.14 g of C. alternifolius.Phosphorus content also increased in both plants after the experiment. However, in the wetland system,phosphorus was removed mainly by the soil, followed by the plants, and then microorganisms. Thedomain group in the microbial community of both wetland systems was Pseudomas sp
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