Survey design
The total land area of the KPS province is approximately 653,396 hectares divided into eight districts
and 87 communes. The household survey samples were selected from six communes in six
districts within two geographical areas: highland areas (two districts) and the lowland area (four
districts). Three natural disasters were considered: flash flooding, drought, and windstorms. Areas
were defined using Geographical Information Systems, which can be used to produce a Digital Elevation
Model. Administrative boundaries were used to define provinces, districts and communes.
Natural disaster occurrence was based on information given from key informant interviews from
the Sub-national and local authorizes. A total of 600 questionnaires were collected from households.
Profile of the respondents
Among the six communes we selected, five communes were classified as rural and two communes
were located in highland. The majorities of the respondents were female and constituted 60% to
77% of each commune (Table 1). Also, an overwhelming number of respondents reported that
they did not rely exclusively on agricultural work. In the rural highland commune of Tasal, the
highest number of respondents (13%) identified agriculture as the only source of income. On average,
all respondents completed secondary education, and urban dwellers (Chbar Mon commune)
have higher education than their rural counterparts. The lowest school attendance was reported in
the highland communities of Tasal and Morhasaing
Survey designThe total land area of the KPS province is approximately 653,396 hectares divided into eight districtsand 87 communes. The household survey samples were selected from six communes in sixdistricts within two geographical areas: highland areas (two districts) and the lowland area (fourdistricts). Three natural disasters were considered: flash flooding, drought, and windstorms. Areaswere defined using Geographical Information Systems, which can be used to produce a Digital ElevationModel. Administrative boundaries were used to define provinces, districts and communes.Natural disaster occurrence was based on information given from key informant interviews fromthe Sub-national and local authorizes. A total of 600 questionnaires were collected from households.RESULTSProfile of the respondentsAmong the six communes we selected, five communes were classified as rural and two communeswere located in highland. The majorities of the respondents were female and constituted 60% to77% of each commune (Table 1). Also, an overwhelming number of respondents reported thatthey did not rely exclusively on agricultural work. In the rural highland commune of Tasal, thehighest number of respondents (13%) identified agriculture as the only source of income. On average,all respondents completed secondary education, and urban dwellers (Chbar Mon commune)have higher education than their rural counterparts. The lowest school attendance was reported inthe highland communities of Tasal and Morhasaing
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