The stranger by my side shouted loudly and tried to move out of the way. There was a terrible noise from the back of the car, and then an explosion. The earth seemed to turn over, and the noise of flames burned in my ears. At that point i woke up in fear.
I was very worried by this dream, and could not sleep again. It semed to have a message, and i wanted to explain it.
Even if dreams can show us the future, this dream did not make sense. Must i never pass a lorry on a clear road? The road to Paris is always filled with very large lorries. Most of them come up from Marseilles, and i always have to pass them when the road is clear; I can't drive slowly behind them for ever. No, this was not the meaning of the dream. At its heart was some kind of fear. I had to recognise my fear, and then I could forget all about it.
I though about my driving during the last three weeks. I tried to remember all the small white houses. I thought of all the cars which were pained cream. I remembered nothing of any great interest. I had imagined that the road in the dream must be in France; it was long, empty and straight. But then I remembered that we had passed the lorry on the right. So the dream was about a road in England; in England all cars keep to the left. Immediately, I remembered something.
The stranger by my side shouted loudly and tried to move out of the way. There was a terrible noise from the back of the car, and then an explosion. The earth seemed to turn over, and the noise of flames burned in my ears. At that point i woke up in fear.I was very worried by this dream, and could not sleep again. It semed to have a message, and i wanted to explain it.Even if dreams can show us the future, this dream did not make sense. Must i never pass a lorry on a clear road? The road to Paris is always filled with very large lorries. Most of them come up from Marseilles, and i always have to pass them when the road is clear; I can't drive slowly behind them for ever. No, this was not the meaning of the dream. At its heart was some kind of fear. I had to recognise my fear, and then I could forget all about it.I though about my driving during the last three weeks. I tried to remember all the small white houses. I thought of all the cars which were pained cream. I remembered nothing of any great interest. I had imagined that the road in the dream must be in France; it was long, empty and straight. But then I remembered that we had passed the lorry on the right. So the dream was about a road in England; in England all cars keep to the left. Immediately, I remembered something.
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