Comparative research is a research methodology conducted in social science.
It has been defined as “a method of analysis that focuses on several objects of
study in order to identify similarities and differences” (Goedegeburre & van
Vught, 1996, p. 378). Hantrais and Mangen (1996) proposed the idea that the
comparative research methodology can provide interesting insights and a
deeper understanding of issues that are of central concern in different countries,
lead to new, refined perspectives on a subject and also identify gaps in
knowledge that prevent effective cross-national comparisons. Consequently,
this will suggest beneficial directions for future research to identify the similarities
and differences of findings across nations. In this cross-cultural study,
three sub-studies have been conducted. However, it is challenging to compare
science education across two countries because there are many different factors
in the cultural setting of each country, i.e. traditions, cultures, value systems,
lifestyles, thought patterns, environments and languages.