Some of the elder healthcare projects regarding health care monitoring is presented in [1], MobiHealth project is a health service platform based on a mobile phone as a base station for the wireless wearable sensors. Measuring the vital parameters is inevitable if the elder person suffers from any sort of heart ailments, which are very common in individuals aged above 60[11]. In [2] mobile devices like Health Tracker 2000 combines wireless sensor networks, existing RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and Vital Sign Monitoring technology to simultaneously monitor vital signs namely r heart rate/pulse, blood pressure, and respiration rate while keeping track of the users' location .. But the design we have proposed can monitor vital parameters and fall detection along with tilt monitoring for the bed ridden patients to monitor any case of bedsore. Some devices as in [3] monitor only postures for the elderly patients based on the sensor readings from accelerometers and gyroscopes attached to the body at different locations. The system proposed in [4] is a wearable health monitoring device that integrates a number of sensory devices onto the Wearable Motherboard from Georgia Tech. The paper on a real time,w earable ECG and BP Monitoring System [12], discusses about a simple way of measuring and storing the data of ECG and BP. All the sensors are placed in wearable textile and measured data is stored in data logging unit which is also attached to body. This data is transmitted to computer/ mobile using wireless interface. This research paper [13] proposes a cuff-less blood pressure monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks. Here BP is measured as a combination of ECG derived from waist and PPG measured at the ear. Zigbee wireless nodes by Philips were used to realize wireless Body Sensor Network