Investigation on allelopathic activities of the AMs with
abundant biomass is still extremely limited. Some
allelochemicals have been identified from macrophytes,
but the highly-effective allelochemicals are still very few.
So, it still will be an important issue to search for highlyeffective
allelochemicals from aquatic macrophytes. The
studies on modes of action of allelochemicals will help to
modify the structure of allelochemicals artificially and
adjust their activities to be much more efficient. Most of
the existing researches are carried out in lab scale. The
lab-scale system was too simple to reflect the actual
circumstances of field. Since, under lab-conditions, it
remains difficult to prove the influence of combination of
abiotic and biotic interactions’ on the allelochemicals in
the same way as the in situ conditions. Therefore, future
researches in analyzing the presence of allelopathic
substances should focus on studies with intact
macrophytes and experimental setups in which it is
possible to make a clear distinction between allelopathy
and other growth limiting factors.