No, there was not an explosion the vanilla pudding factory. These drips and blobs are solid rock inside a cave. Caves can form in several way-boulders move apart, surf wears away rock or lava hardens into a tube. But most caves form the way this one did-from water seeping into rock and dissolving it. Rain mixing with carbon dioxide in the air forms a watery acid that can dissolve minerals in rock. this solution flows underground through cracks and small spaces between rocks. Over time, it dissolves minerals in one place and deposits them in another, creating and reshaping these underground hollows
The many passages and rooms of Harrison's Cave, on the Caribbean island of Barbados, stretch over about 2.25 km ( at least 1.4 miles ). The largest room has ceilings that are nearly 15 m ( 15 feet ) high. like most caves formed by dissolving rocks, this one is made of limestone.