Working Committee has divided the work into by this three part. First is Department of
Forestry and Nature Conservation. This part has to Development of wilderness areas Planting native
trees and flowering trees grown on the plains and in the mountains. Condition of soil and landscape,
natural beauty suitable technical plant and valuable breeds of trees to be cultivated further. Second
is Department of wildlife conservation, and aquatic animals. This part has to bring rare wildlife
cultured species and conservation for future by raising the left most naturally. In the part of marine
animals have issued as conservation area aquatic animals in the sea from the coast out 1 nautical
mile, and do not catch all types of aquaculture. Third is Department of construction, maintenance,
and water. This part have to Construction and maintenance of the dwelling house and premises
within the project to meet the royal will put water delivery system. To the consumer, for people,
plants and animals in general (Infantry center & personal communication, 2014).
Working Committee has divided the work into by this three part. First is Department of
Forestry and Nature Conservation. This part has to Development of wilderness areas Planting native
trees and flowering trees grown on the plains and in the mountains. Condition of soil and landscape,
natural beauty suitable technical plant and valuable breeds of trees to be cultivated further. Second
is Department of wildlife conservation, and aquatic animals. This part has to bring rare wildlife
cultured species and conservation for future by raising the left most naturally. In the part of marine
animals have issued as conservation area aquatic animals in the sea from the coast out 1 nautical
mile, and do not catch all types of aquaculture. Third is Department of construction, maintenance,
and water. This part have to Construction and maintenance of the dwelling house and premises
within the project to meet the royal will put water delivery system. To the consumer, for people,
plants and animals in general (Infantry center & personal communication, 2014).
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