. Economic Aspect: This employs BEZ as a means to reduce internally imbalanced spatial development. Establishing co-production and supply chain networks will promote cross-border spillover effects towards integrated borderlands development.
. Social Aspect: This enhances sharing of regional human capital together with cross- border human development through provisions of social infrastructures, and jointly utilized with sister cities along the border regions. It should also strengthen cross- border social and cultural ties towards the ASEAN community.
. Infrastructural Aspect: This provides adequate urban infrastructure including land use planning in response to rapid urbanization in potential border cities. This also promotes cross-border utilization of key physical facilities e.g. airports and river ports, as well as sustaining cross-border trade of energy supplies.
. Environmental Aspect: This develops cross-border integrated environmental and natural resources protection plans for potential border regions by actively promoting broad-based public participation. This provides local capacity building for managing natural resources by local stakeholders, as well as maintaining livelihood opportunities particularly for the rural poor.
. Institutional Aspect: This strengthens institutional capacity building for advancing cross-border regional development via BEZs. This will cover issues needed to support cross-border flows of goods, people, capital and technology ranging from standard financial system and regulation harmonization, cross-border coordination including investment and trade policies, public-private partnerships, logistics management and cross-border planning and implementation particularly for BEZs.