The main aim of this research has been fulfilled. We found
the desired ECG, EMG and EOG signal and their frequencies
in a normal range. In this system we have used simple RC
filtering and we have not implemented any analog notch filter
of 50Hz. But as the signal conditioning circuit is battery
powered and the signal is transferred wirelessly, noise
interference in reduced and there exist a very small amount of
power line interference (50Hz). This is because of electric field
coupling from the nearby power line to the body. The proposed
hardware circuit is simple and effective for ECG, EMG and
EOG data acquisition. The cost of this system is only USD
25.02. The component used for this system consumes very low
power. It takes maximum current of 60mA and it can function
up to 22 hours continuously by using two 9V battery.
In future, we will develop the robust biosignal acquisition
system with various control supports and protection schemes