This section presents the results of estimating a cross-country dynamic panel model to cast
light on how the sources of inflation in Vietnam may have differed from those of the other
emerging countries in the region, listed above. The panel includes China, India, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia as well as Vietnam. The sample consists of
quarterly data covering the period 2004Q1–2012Q2, and was estimated using a fixed effects
model with a lagged dependent variable.
This section presents the results of estimating a cross-country dynamic panel model to castlight on how the sources of inflation in Vietnam may have differed from those of the otheremerging countries in the region, listed above. The panel includes China, India, Sri Lanka,Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia as well as Vietnam. The sample consists ofquarterly data covering the period 2004Q1–2012Q2, and was estimated using a fixed effectsmodel with a lagged dependent variable.
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