Improvements and innovations in all operations, as demanded by global conditions, are some of Pertamina’s commitments in fulfilling its strategic role in the national economy. The currently proclaimed Renewable Spirit is one proof of Pertamina’s commitment in creating alternatives in providing more efficient energy sources which are sustainable and environmentally sound. Given initiatives in harnessing resources and potentials for new and renewable energy sources in addition to its main business, Pertamina has moved forward steadily to actualize its Vision of Becoming a World Class National Energy Company.
To support its vision, Pertamina has established a longterm corporate strategy, “Aggressive Upstream, Profitable Downstream”, in which the Company seeks to expand its upstream business while making the downstream business more efficient and profitable.
Pertamina relies on a solid foundation in actualizing its vision and mission through implementing Corporate Governance in accordance with global standards of best practice, as well as upholding the corporate governance values of Clean, Competitive, Confident, Customer-focused, Commercial, and Capable. Along with this, Pertamina manifests its commitment to stakeholder concerns through well-structured social programs and environmental practices.
Since establishment on December 10th, 1957, Pertamina has participated in the oil and gas business, upstream to downstream. Pertamina’s upstream business is conducted in several regions in Indonesia and abroad include activities in the fields of exploration, production, and oil and gas distribution. To support the exploration and production activities, Pertamina also pursues technology and drilling service businesses, as well as other activities that develop geothermal energy and Coal Bed Methane (CBM). In exploiting oil and gas both within and outside the country, Pertamina operates either independently or through various partner cooperation arrangements, namely through Cooperation Operations (KSO), a Joint Operation Body (JOB), a Technical Assistance Contract (TAC), Indonesia Participating/Pertamina Participating Interest (IP/PPI), and a Joint Operations Board (BOB).
Pertamina Geothermal exploration and production activities are conducted entirely within the country and are intended to support government programs providing a second stage 10,000 Mega Watt (MW) of electricity. In addition, Pertamina is also developing CBM, a coal with methane gas (GMB) product, in order to support energy diversification, increasing the government’s national gas supply.
Currently managed methane gas reserves of Indonesia by Pertamina number 6 Production Sharing Contracts (PSC)-CBM.
Pertamina’s downstream sector includes processing of crude oil, marketing and trade of oil products, gas and petrochemicals, and shipping related to distributing Company product. Processing activities consist of: RU II (Dumai), RU III (Plaju), RU IV (Cilacap), RU V (Balikpapan), RU VI (Balongan) and RU VII (Sorong).
Furthermore, Pertamina also operates the Arun LNG Plant Unit (Aceh) and Bontang LNG Plant Unit (East Kalimantan). Products include fuel oil (BBM) as premium, kerosene, diesel fuel, diesel oil and fuel oil, and non-fuels such as lubricants, asphalt, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), and Musicool as well as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), paraxylene, propylene, Polytam, PTA and other products.
Improvements and innovations in all operations, as demanded by global conditions, are some of Pertamina’s commitments in fulfilling its strategic role in the national economy. The currently proclaimed Renewable Spirit is one proof of Pertamina’s commitment in creating alternatives in providing more efficient energy sources which are sustainable and environmentally sound. Given initiatives in harnessing resources and potentials for new and renewable energy sources in addition to its main business, Pertamina has moved forward steadily to actualize its Vision of Becoming a World Class National Energy Company.To support its vision, Pertamina has established a longterm corporate strategy, “Aggressive Upstream, Profitable Downstream”, in which the Company seeks to expand its upstream business while making the downstream business more efficient and profitable.Pertamina relies on a solid foundation in actualizing its vision and mission through implementing Corporate Governance in accordance with global standards of best practice, as well as upholding the corporate governance values of Clean, Competitive, Confident, Customer-focused, Commercial, and Capable. Along with this, Pertamina manifests its commitment to stakeholder concerns through well-structured social programs and environmental practices.Since establishment on December 10th, 1957, Pertamina has participated in the oil and gas business, upstream to downstream. Pertamina’s upstream business is conducted in several regions in Indonesia and abroad include activities in the fields of exploration, production, and oil and gas distribution. To support the exploration and production activities, Pertamina also pursues technology and drilling service businesses, as well as other activities that develop geothermal energy and Coal Bed Methane (CBM). In exploiting oil and gas both within and outside the country, Pertamina operates either independently or through various partner cooperation arrangements, namely through Cooperation Operations (KSO), a Joint Operation Body (JOB), a Technical Assistance Contract (TAC), Indonesia Participating/Pertamina Participating Interest (IP/PPI), and a Joint Operations Board (BOB).Pertamina Geothermal exploration and production activities are conducted entirely within the country and are intended to support government programs providing a second stage 10,000 Mega Watt (MW) of electricity. In addition, Pertamina is also developing CBM, a coal with methane gas (GMB) product, in order to support energy diversification, increasing the government’s national gas supply.Currently managed methane gas reserves of Indonesia by Pertamina number 6 Production Sharing Contracts (PSC)-CBM.Pertamina’s downstream sector includes processing of crude oil, marketing and trade of oil products, gas and petrochemicals, and shipping related to distributing Company product. Processing activities consist of: RU II (Dumai), RU III (Plaju), RU IV (Cilacap), RU V (Balikpapan), RU VI (Balongan) and RU VII (Sorong).Furthermore, Pertamina also operates the Arun LNG Plant Unit (Aceh) and Bontang LNG Plant Unit (East Kalimantan). Products include fuel oil (BBM) as premium, kerosene, diesel fuel, diesel oil and fuel oil, and non-fuels such as lubricants, asphalt, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), and Musicool as well as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), paraxylene, propylene, Polytam, PTA and other products.
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