Approach grafting is another method I have
successfully used on the Swamp Cypress, this
method of grafting is to bring two pieces of the tree
together, bind them and allow both parts to fuse
In the photo opposite it shows a branch that 3 or 4
years ago was in the wrong position, instead of
cutting it off and regrowing I decided to move the
branch around, made a small “V” where I wanted the
branch positioned and bent the branch around and
into the “V”. Taped it into place and left it to grow.
The branch is now in exactly the correct position and
little if any sign of the graft is left as the fusing of the
branch and trunk has continued.
I have recently noticed some amazing grafting
examples that have taken place in nature, photos
This is a truly amazing example of two branches on
an old scribble gum eucalyptus actually grafting itself
together over many years; the two branches must
have come together in a strange quirk of nature,
bonded and eventually grown together.
Demonstrating naturally the method of approach
grafting and more importantly illustrating the ease
that this type of graft can be performed.
In this example of nature there would have been no
one assisting the union of the two parts of the tree,
no binding together and no care and assistance. Two
parts of the tree have grown into each other path and
bonded naturally.
Grafting is not difficult but as always, attempt it on
something you can afford to lose and give it a go, the
benefits of it are you can position the new branch
exactly where you want it as I have done in these
examples of the two methods – thread and approach
Most of the grafts on this type of tree will bond in my
climate in one full growing season, if you’re not sure
they have fused wait.
If you have a tree like my crazy trunk which refused
to grow any branches or shoots in the area I had
spent time creating those beautiful bends, grafting
may be an alternative to literati or cutting the trunk
back. Hopefully with my thread graft this type of
drastic action will not be required.
The results for me to date have been extremely
pleasing and worth the wait – give it a try