ANS It is not a wise step for Honda to market its product in same manner in each
country because of certain factors that need to be considered related to each country.
In France Japanese cars image is relatively poor because of the reason of 1930 when
Japanese entered the market with low quality products. Till from that time there has not
been a very great change in their image, still Honda cars are seen as a small low quality
car and they are risk averse people with a high feeling of patriotism.
In Italy there is the same case concerning France, they are also patriotic people, risk
averse, view Honda cars as a low quality cars and love to drive diesel engine cars which
is produced in very less qty by Honda
In Germany durability is one of the main concerns of people and they people want a
detailed info regarding the product and as they are risk bearing people they want to try
new products.
In U.K people are more individualistic and less risk averse that is they are moderate
towards the level of risk