Typically, it was common to use only one antimicrobial in a food product for preservation purpose. However, in recent years,the use of combined antimicrobials in a food system has become more frequent . Combining antimicrobial agents theoretically provides a broader spectrum of activity, with enhanced antimicrobial action against pathogenic and/or spoilage organisms. It is believed that the combined agents would target different species of a mixed microbiota, or act on different metabolic elements within similar species or strains,which would theoretically result in improved microbial control over the use of one antimicrobial agent alone.The goal of this project was to determine the effect of these five antimicrobials, when employed alone or in binary combinations,on inhibiting the growth of L. monocytogenes. The efficacy of the antimicrobials was initially screened in a broth medium and the effective antimicrobial treatments were subsequently tested in smoked salmon pâté and fillets.