Good Day!
This is Tomato, kindly take note below announcement:
Sport: Soccer
Kick Off: 8:21 PM
League: SPAIN DIVISION DE HONOR U18 [西班牙甲组联赛U18]
Match: Sevilla U18 -vs- CG Goyu Ryu U18 [西维尔 U18 -vs- 刚柔流 U18]
>>Above match has settled
Attn:[Soccer] Due to disruption in Live broadcast, the match between "Freamunde -vs- Vizela" [PORTUGAL LIGA PRO - 22/12*Live*], this match will be removed from our website. Sorry for the inconvenience caused! 请注意:[足球] 由於卫星电讯中断, "费里姆德 -vs- 维赛拉" [葡萄牙甲组联赛 - 22/12*走地*], 本公司将无法进行现场走地. 不便之处 敬请见谅!
>> Above match has removed from live and will delay payout due to related department confirming match details.
>> 以上赛事已 取消走地 并且会 延迟结算 由于需要确认赛事细节。
Thank you for your kind attention ~