TIn a second zone, from 38 C to 52 C, jG*j continues to decrease
but very gently, and tand remains almost stable. Over this temperature range, the decrease in jG*j could be associated with CO2
forming in the batter, which diffused into occluded air cells and
expanded, leading to a reduction in batter density (Ngo & Taranto,
1986). Subsequently, from 52 C until approximately 78 C, jG*j
remains stable. Over this temperature range, tand decreases,
reflecting a progressive increase in the predominance of elastic
behaviour. Finally, at around 78 C, a gradient appeared and jG*j
continued to increase up to the end of the test. This gradient is
associated both with the onset of the starch gelatinization process
and protein coagulation. In this last zone, tand remained almost
TIn a second zone, from 38 C to 52 C, jG*j continues to decreasebut very gently, and tand remains almost stable. Over this temperature range, the decrease in jG*j could be associated with CO2forming in the batter, which diffused into occluded air cells andexpanded, leading to a reduction in batter density (Ngo & Taranto,1986). Subsequently, from 52 C until approximately 78 C, jG*jremains stable. Over this temperature range, tand decreases,reflecting a progressive increase in the predominance of elasticbehaviour. Finally, at around 78 C, a gradient appeared and jG*jcontinued to increase up to the end of the test. This gradient isassociated both with the onset of the starch gelatinization processand protein coagulation. In this last zone, tand remained almostconstant.
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