Hello Petch
Thanks for your email response.This project is for real and I can
arrange a smooth and safe delivery process.I have plans to invest most
of this money in real estate and I will be honoured to work with you if
you are honest and straight with me. I will be happy if we can work
together and as far as I am concerned, this deal is for mutual benefit
and absolute risk free for you. I must re-assure you that we will achieve
this deal in a matter of days, if we work with honesty and sincerity.and i
will be coming to your country before the end of this month.
I'm a very discrete person who will prefer to work with a total stranger that
shares the same views and business interest with me than a long time associate
or Family relative who will want to rip me off for his own benefit.Like i
said.There is no risk for you in this deal as long as you assure me strict
confidentiality and dedication to this course.
Like i said,i'm willing to prove myself to you and the reality of this project.I
also understand your fears and position towards this project mostly
when you don't know the person you are dealing with but i assure you will
never regret your involvement in this project because i know the internet today
has been bastardized so much by hoodlums all over the
world mostly in Africa and Europe but that does not mean legitimate and
genuine business project are not done via the internet.How i wish i hard a
better means of contacting you from this hellhole apart from the internet i
would have done so and i believe that would have made you more
comfortable to work with me.
I have plans to retire from active service and meet with you as soon as you
confirm the safe arrival of the cargo to you.You have nothing to worry about so
long as you don't disclose or tell anyone about this delivery or the content in the box
which will be delivered to you via the red cross diplomatic delivery as medical equipment
and gift item for your family.
I have thought about how this project will work over and over and I
could come up with ideas which I will share and disclose to you to
enable you reason with me on the best option to deliver this cargo to you,
i believe it work better than every other method because moving out $23.4M
in two trunks Boxes from this part of war region will be
difficult and must be done with care. Remember am serving under the
United Nations troop in Kabul, I am not permitted to move around with
money or the chance to keep this fund under my custody which I
want to push into investment. My promise to you is that you will
have no single regret assisting me in this Project.I know that we just came
to know ourselves but with time we will know more about our respective
families in person. i want you to assure me that information i am passing
across to you through this medium will be treated as TOP SECRET.
1.) I thought of transferring the money to your account or an account
in Asia, America or Europe but there must be a barrier in doing that.
The Bank of Afghanistan would demand certain document regarding the fund
before such money can be transferred and when i fail to provide the required
documents it could attracts many questions on how I got such huge amount
of money, the bank may capitalize on that and confiscate the money or raise
an eyebrow because as an officer i am not suppose to be in possession of such
money while in active service and also in a war zone.
2.) I have thought of shipping the boxes to you through any of these
courier services or company but there is no way the boxes will not be scan
by the courier service to know if the content is free from drug or any
incriminatory items and in so doing they would know the true content of the
boxes. Sometimes they would ask to open them up for inspections before
it is very risky going by this means or the above method.
3) The third option which i see as the best method to execute this
deal without any hitch during registration or delivery of the cargo is
to use the help of the Red Cross to ship the cargo out of here as a
Category B cargo. This means that the box cannot returned back
to its point of Origin once i register the box in your name.
The Red Cross agent will board with it as a category B cargo because they
have diplomatic immunities which hinders them from being inspected or
search at any port of entry or departure. These are also the means
which our men here send precious findings which they discover here to
the US or Europe. Am therefore planning to use the help of a Red Cross
officer to get these two trunks boxes across to you, because this is
the only way to avoid any hitch during delivery. I assure you that the
delivery which will be made by Red Cross officer will be 100% risk
free so long as you follow all my instructions and advise. i have my
prestige to protect either we make it back home alive or not.
Meanwhile, look at these three options and pick up the one you suggest as
the best option to send the boxes successfully to your door step. If
you think the third option is the best way then i will have to start
the registration of the cargo in your name as the real owner of the cargo box
with the Red Cross which i think is the only safe way to deliver the box to
you without having any problem or hitch along the way.
You have to assure me of your capability of handling this cargo when
it gets to you because it will be your sole responsibility to monitor
the cargo Once it leaves here until you receive it in your country.
If you agree with my Ideas and terms then i will advise you to
furnished me with the required information below for registration of
the cargo in your name but if you do not agree please indicate
immediately so that i will look for an immediate alternative. Remember time is
of great essence at this point because here in Bamyan camp is getting
unsafe every day.
Information needed to register the box in your name are as follows
1.Full Name/Address:
2.A Scan copy of your international passport /driver's license/ID for
identification only.
3.Marital Status:
8.Country Of Residence:
9.Telephone Number:
Once i receive these information, i will prepare every document making
you the rightful owner to the consignment box immediately and will
inform you as soon as i conclude with the registration with the Red Cross.
Like i told you, I will be giving you 20% of the total sum as
contented in the two trunk boxes at the end of this project and will also buy
your property at full price. I hope that this is clear and fair
enough, otherwise feel free to express your concerns.
In a nutshell, do take this project very serious and reassure me that
you are going to put your very best to protect and keep the boxes safe
until i join you. this is a Top secret of An American force, one passionate
appeal i will make to you is not to discuss this matter with anybody.
Should you have reasons to reject this offer please destroy this message.
Hence I want to use this opportunity to inform you that this project
is risk free if we go by the 3rd option.In less than 6 days the box should be in
your possession if we work with honesty and trust as a team.
I have attached a copy of my service ID and picture photographs to you in this
email.You can also go through my profile on Facebook ''Edmund Underwood'' to know
more about me and if you have a Facebook account,you are free to add me up so
we can communicate effectively this is to ensure we work together in absolute trust and
sincerity,please promise me that these information's and my particulars which i have passed
across to you will be kept as Top secret between you and me.
Get back to me as soon as you receive this email.
Thank you in advance.
Yours Truly