Once upon a time, on the edge of a great forest, there lived a very poor woodcutter with his wife and his two children, Hansel and Gretel. His second wife often ill-treated the children and was forever nagging the woodcutter. The family had little enough to eat, and once there was a great famine in the land the man could no longer even get them their daily bread.
แม่ : "There is not enough food in the house for us all. There are too many mouths to feed! We must get rid of the two brats," And she kept on trying to persuade her husband to abandon his children in the forest.
Hansel who, one evening, had overheard his parents' conversation, comforted Gretel.
แม่ : "Take them miles from home, so far that they can never find their way back! Maybe someone will find them and give them a home."
พ่อ : "Don't worry! If they do leave us in the forest, we'll find the way home,"
At dawn, he led Hansel and Gretel away into the forest. But as they went into the depths of the trees. At a certain point, the two children found they really were alone. Gretel began to sob bitterly. Hansel too felt scared but he tried to hide his feelings and comfort his sister.
ฮันเซล : "Don't cry, trust me! I swear I'll take you home even if Father doesn't come back for us!"
Luckily the moon was full that night and Hansel waited till its cold light filtered through the trees. The moon was shining bright as day, and the white pebbles glittered like new silver coins.