Consider this scenario. You began working at a company eight years ago, and you gradually climbed the corporate ladder to arrive at your current midlevel management position. You think your salary is reasonable; you have gotten nice raises for your performance each year and for each promotion. You work hard because you have a strong work ethic and feel that your employer deserves a fair day’s work for the salary you are receiving. In a casual conversation, a colleague in a similar job at the same level as you mentions his salary, which is considerably higher than yours. You know for a fact that this guy doesn’t work nearly as hard as you do. After your initial shock, what is your response likely to be? Do you think you will continue working as hard as you were but ask for a raise? Do you think you will quit working as hard? What if you don’t get a raise? Do you think you will stay with the company? Would your response be the same or different if the colleague worked for another company but in a comparable job?