Many studies are made to find a better way to assist the autonomous walking of blind people. The more diffuse and sim-ple instrument used today is still the white cane although the great research made on the electronic travel aids (ETA). These devices have the task to assist blind people to intercept obstacles on their path. The common technologies used for this task are: Camera, GPS,Wireless sensor networks and ultrasonic and infrared sensors. Thedevices based on camera work by processing images and by trans-lating them into sounds, vibrations or verbal messages [1–6]. TheGPS technology [7–10] is commonly used to know the exact posi-tion and to conduct blind people to their destinations by verbalmessages. A similar approach, but using a wireless sensor network,is presented in [11] in which the wireless network is used to find the exact position optimized by a triangulation of sensors. Other different approaches to the problem is the interception of immedi-ately obstacles to the user by using detention sensors like ultrasonic[12–14] and infrared [15,16]. The main task of these devices is tointercept the obstacles by a variation of the distance between it