r how many kisses in English? A question a foreigner in France will find themselves wondering everytime a French person leans over to give them kisses on the cheek. It is two in western France (where I live), three in southern France and four in the North. But don't quote me on it because it always depends.
Having lived in France for a year, some of the French body language has been demystified for me and some still remains a bit confusing. However, it is an essential part of the French culture and understanding it will help you a great deal in France. I have had to educate myself on this topic because when I first came to France I had a lot of difficulty understanding many different gestures. To help you out, in case you are ever planning a trip to France, I decided to present to you the top 10 (in no particular order) of French gestures. I have picked the ones that I most commonly come across. Some of them are normal, everyday gestures and others are informal and only used with people you know well.
So read on as I hope the information will someday prove useful to you!