Crude oil is pumped from offsite Crude tanks (60D101 to 60D106) with Crude
Field Pumps (60G101 to 60G106) to the CDU battery limits. The CDU Crude
Charge Pumps (02G101A/B) pump the crude oil charge from the battery limits
through the crude oil preheat exchangers to the Desalter (02C109). Both Crude
Charge Pumps are driven by steam turbines and each has a capacity to pump
100% of the design crude rate of 861.25 M3/hr. (The design capacity of each pump
is 913.4 M3/hr at a differential pressure of 27.85 kg/cm2). Normally, only one
pump will be running.
The pressure at the outlet of the Desalter is maintained with a pressure controller
which resets a speed controller on the Crude Charge Pump Turbine Drivers