Saturn (Saturn) As the planet away from the Sun is 6 and has the second largest child from Jupiter.
History of Saturn
....Saturn is designed for agricultural gods are the same beings God green name. Co's that son of ranu yurenat and Gaia, and father of the Sea (Jupiter), Saturn is the root of the word "Saturday".
... Saturn is known from before the era of history. Galileo is the first to look at it with a telescope in 2153 and bizarre behavior were found. To observe Saturn In the first era are difficult to understand because of the fact that the Earth moves through the ring plane of Saturn every several years as Saturn was moving along the orbit.
2008 Saturn vehicles is the first exploration by the pioneer 11 in f major, followed by Washington, yae 2522 (1979) 1 and 2, Jerry Johns latest yae. Craft cat sasini is in the journey, which will arrive in 2547 (2004)
Orbit: 1429400000 Km from the Sun.
Diameter: 120536 Km
Mass substance: 5.68 x 1026 G g.
... Saturn is the planet that has the lowest density. Contains values specific gravity 0.7, which is less than the. Water inside of PT. Rd. Saturn heating up to 12000 degrees Kelvin that radiation to kaenklang Saturn space than it receives from the Sun. Most of the established energy originated from mechanical CAI Kelvin-hem home lot as well as Jupiter.
Boen is hub space telescope .... notice white clouds a lot of storms near the sunsut area and in the storm have been 2537 (1994) observe a large number of smaller.
... Although when watching from Earth. There is a style-sheet ring. In fact, it contains a large amount of particles. Which have orbits independent? Rings of Saturn are very thin diameter, length up to 250000 km but less than 1.5 km thick, it appears as a large band, but actually full of many small elements such as ice chips for various stones.
... The outer ring, F-ring is a complex structure consisting of several smaller bands, rings and something called "not" (knots) Scientists assume that there may be a group of objects is not needed in the ring or little Moon.
... We do not know the origin of the rings Saturn and small theme parks despite the ring comes from the form of the original, but in the age of the ring system, lack of stability and change in accordance with the process around the sides.
... Saturn is clearly due to the magnetic field, it is a large main belt asteroid.
When the night arrives .... we can see Saturn with the naked eye with ease. To it will not light the size Jupiter but it is easy to prove that a planet because its light is not flashing. Shine like a star if any telescope with will be able to see the rings and moons, large.
Satellite of Saturn
Saturn moon named band knife, 18 more than the Sun, which is the other Star.
1. Pan 2. Atlas, there are 4 Mauritius 3. PAN dora Prado. 5. Mauritius 6. j. a. paphe with nat 7. Mai Thomas. 8. se la Dusseldorf Hotel located 9. t Baptist. 10. the Tana Lake stony Calypso 11. 12. Dai o Ney 13. coral Lake nature 14. Rhea. 15. Titan 16. high school Pur 17. I El paphi provides 18.21 and b.