“The four prodigies of eighteen years ago had a much more terrifying power and strength than the eight high officials of today and were extremely famous. Amongst these four people, there were three young men and a young girl. That young girl was precisely the most beautiful woman in Xue Yue, Yue Meng He. Lin Feng, imagine, being considered as the most beautiful woman of the entire country and as the strongest and most gifted woman as well, she was the best disciple of the Yue Clan, she was a genius. That woman made the three men’s hearts shake.”
It seemed like Lin Feng understood what had happened.
“The three incredibly strong prodigies fell in love with that woman.” whispered Duan Xin Ye as if she was imagining the story. Every time she heard the story, she was very moved. She couldn’t help but sigh. There was more to know about the story of that heroic woman though.
“But Yue Meng He didn’t choose the strongest of them, the one from the Imperial Clan. She didn’t choose Wu Qing the sword master either. Instead, she fell in love with the unknown young man. You can imagine how the Yue Clan reacted when they found out that Yue Meng He and that unknown prodigy were together. She had a lot of pressure from her clan.
Lin Feng lightly nodded. She had chosen neither the strongest cultivator nor the monstrous sword cultivator Zhuge Wu Qing, instead, she had fallen in love with a prodigious young man who had no social background. That was a calamity for her clan as one could well imagine.
“Besides, in the beginning, the Imperial Clan and the Yue Clan had an agreement. They wanted one of their boys and one of their girls to marry. The prodigy of the Duan Clan had a marriage agreement with Yue Meng He. Besides, the prodigy of the Duan Clan was an extremely aggressive and arrogant person.” Said Duan Xin Ye while shaking her head which startled Lin Feng. However, he was slowly understanding why Yue Meng He and her clan had stopped talking.
“After that, there was a huge pressure on her shoulders, the couple decided to elope and leave the country. Zhuge Wu Qing’s heart was broken into a thousand pieces. He just kept practicing sword cultivation. Besides, he didn’t put Yue Meng He and her lover in a difficult situation, even though his passion for her reached the heavens.”
“But Yue Meng He and the prodigious young man didn’t manage to hide. The people of the Imperial Clan and of the Yue Clan found them. Besides, at that time, Yue Meng He was wakened for some reason. When the prodigious young man saw that they would never succeed in escaping, he decided to send Yue Meng He back to the Yue Clan and fought against the prodigy of the Duan Clan in a decisive battle. In the end, the cultivator from my clan won the battle, he sealed the young prodigy’s spirit and expelled him from the Imperial City.
“Of course, I’ve heard this story many times. My mother used to tell me these stories. I was born shortly after that battle. Besides, my parents don’t allow me to tell anyone else about that story. You have to keep it a secret, Lin Feng, it’s a secret between us.” Said Duan XinYe.
At that moment, Lin Feng looked disappointed. Duan Xin Ye and he hadn’t witnessed the events eighteen years before but they were still profoundly moved by that story. They had no choice but to rely on their imagination to have an idea of what it must have been like.
They had fought because of a beautiful woman. In the end, the unknown young man had left with his soul sealed. Maybe deep in his heart, he had never given up on getting her back.
But even if he didn’t want to give up, what could he do? He had been able to leave alive, that was already amazing!