Sneaks in Nie Li
Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting in this red red glow not long.
The landslide cracks in the earth bang transmits.
Entire void has the sign of avalanche, a boundless strength seeped Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting.
Felt that this formidable strength, the Nie Li eyebrow selects, unexpectedly is Expert of Martial Ancestor level.
Outside thousand imaginary ** was broken, will bring in the Martial Ancestor level surely Expert!
In the Nie Li heart moves, looked that said to Xiao Yu: „Enters in Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting!”
Xiao Yu a little has doubts, Nie Li space, but can also enter the living creature to be inadequate, she has not listened to Nie Li to mention! Knows indistinctly Nie Li Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting is very fierce, actually does not know that what function is.
The Nie Li right hand raises, Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting lets go, has attracted Xiao Yu.
„Must find the way to exit, otherwise the strength of monster blood sacrifice did not have!” Nie Li thinks saying that does not know in Void Illusionary Divine Palace also has the treasure of hideaway, Nie Li did not have the time to seek.
Thinks that Nie Li entered in the middle of stone rapidly, the preparation leaves, Shi Zhen approached collapsed, once Shi Zhen collapses, that Fire Demon Prince, Honored Thunder God , etc. will come out, that troubled.
Grazed entrance rapidly, Nie Li met with Yan Yang.
„I felt that this god palace is in the avalanche, this what's the matter?” Yan Yang sees Nie Li, stands inquiry to say.
„Is Expert of Martial Ancestor level, tries to break Void Illusionary Divine Palace knot, we must hurry!” Nie Li said that „I felt that Martial Ancestor level in Aura, there is a Demon Clan flavor, definitely is Demon God Sect Expert!”
Hears the Nie Li words, including the Yan Yang also somewhat surprise, actually Nie Li how to know that moreover unexpectedly can judge the opposite party is Demon God Sect Expert.
The body of Nie Li, has too many secrets, making one produce the infinite curiosity.
„I must live am returning to Divine Feather Sect, but also invited the Senior Brother Yan Yang many help!” Nie Li cups one hand in the other across the chest to say to Yan Yang.
„I do certainly everything possible!” Yan Yang nodded!
Two forms dash about wildly in the exit direction.
Probably a moment later. A spatial Spiritual Stone avalanche, was emptied the people of Spiritual Stone surrounding to be rescued rapidly.
Wu Yazi looked at void of distant place, looked at the road, he smiles bitterly. Wanted to plan Nie Li and Xiao Yu, the result has not thought that by Nie Li and Xiao Yu planning, afterward him has wanted to understand, Xiao Yu definitely had carried over Shi Zhen by Nie Li.
Does not know that Nie Li and Xiao Yu where, Wu Yazi thinks. Immediately grazes toward the exit, only then blocks the exit, can intercept Nie Li and Xiao Yu!
Fire Demon Prince looked up void of top of the head, in the eye pupil has revealed a happy expression, the master comes finally!
So long as there is a master, then no one want to carry over Void Illusionary Divine Palace the treasure!
Fire Demon Prince thinks, leads the troop troops to graze in the exit direction.
Has Honored Thunder God, knit the brows to ponder, plundered to the distant place endless void, he is still not willing to give up. Wants treasure that seeks for in Void Illusionary Divine Palace to hide!
Ties finally the avalanche, during a formidable strength searched to be void, starts treasure that searched for in Void Illusionary Divine Palace to hide.
By the XuanMing Deity strength, wanted to look everywhere entire Void Illusionary Divine Palace to be simple, he then discovered quickly Void Illusionary Divine Palace void deep place, one group of black roaring flame that hid.
„What thing is this?” XuanMing Deity congealing eyebrow ponder, by his experience, does not know unexpectedly this group of black fires are what origin, thinks. Perhaps, that is the treasure that Void Illusionary Divine Palace hides, he has explored the past toward that [say / way] black fire the thought.
Contacts the flash of this group of black fires in his thought that XuanMing Deity sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell.
„Who is dares to plot against me!”
Thought of XuanMing Deity by this group of black fire ignitions. Keeps burning, his left eye burnt the blazing black fire, felt that this black fire must be completely common his thought combustion, XuanMing Deity the brave soldier broke the wrist immediately, cut off this thought directly.
The thought of XuanMing Deity succeeds in giving up two sections, that cut off thought extinguishes under the combustion of black fire rapidly.
XuanMing Deity is panting for breath in gulps. He was angry, because although he simply, cut the thought decisively, had not been killed by this group of black fires, but the damage was quite serious.
From Heavenly Axis to Dao o