Air-dried and de-pulped seeds of each category were sown in triplicate
(each replicate containing 30 seeds) under nursery conditions (at
Mandal, Chamoli, Uttarakhand 1555 m asl) in black 100 × 152 mm
polybags (containing soil, farmyard manure [FYM], and sand in a ratio
of 3:1:1) at a depth of ~10 mm in the first week of April. During
the experiment and observations on seedling establishment (April
to September), average air temperatures at this site were 10.78 °C
(min) and 31.06 °C (max). Relative humidity varied from 22.92% to
99.95% and the rainfall during this period was recorded from 262 mm
to 1999 mm (weather data are based on a weather station installed at
the site). The seeds were regularly monitored in terms of the onset of
germination and number of seedlings established, over a period of
~3 months.