To improve the coefficient of performance (COP) of an absorption chiller working with the n-butane as
refrigerant and the n-octane as absorbent, a thermodynamic analysis based on the first and the second
law of thermodynamic is required. A simulation model is established to calculate the different thermodynamic
properties of each point of the cycle such as compositions, flow rates, and temperatures.
Heat transfer rates and some performance parameters are calculated using the first law analysis.
Compared to an ideal machine, the performances are degraded because of the irreversibilities occurring
in the different components of the machine. The second law analysis provides the entropy generation in
each element and its contribution at the degradation of the COP as well as the total entropy generation of
the system. We have proposed a modification of the initial configuration of the machine to reduce the
energy losses occurring in the components of high entropy generation and to improve the performance.
This recuperation increases the COP from 0.36 to 0.59 and the efficiency from 0.24 to 0.39