The library and information sector has a distinctive area of knowledge and skills which is required for effective professional practice. Library and information specialists need to acquire the relevant disciplinary expertise, demonstrate employment related skills and be prepared for a challenging and dynamic future in many diverse environments.
Core Knowledge Statement
The library and information specialist must ensure a high standard of library and information practice through education and training, while continuing to evolve and develop with the overall framework of core knowledge, skills, attributes and encompassing the changing nature of the discipline to ensure a flexible, adaptable and innovative profession.
Library and Information Sector Objectives
Ensure comprehensive professional standards within library and information sector education
Promote and improve the services within the library and information environment
Ensure the high standard of personnel engaged in the library and information sector and foster their professional interests and aspirations.
Statement of Intent
The library and information sector in Australia serves the information needs of a democratic, progressive, technologically sophisticated and culturally diverse society. A key focus of the sector is enabling people to connect with the world of information, interacting with and utilising information in all aspects of their lives. The sector fosters lifelong learning, personal fulfilment, improved decision making, knowledge development, innovation, imagination, creativity and cultural continuity.
People who work in the sector will have specialist industry knowledge and skills, as well as employability attributes. The level to which individuals have requisite knowledge, skills and attributes depends on their formal qualifications, work experience, professional development, and the role/s they perform.
Library and information sector professionals (librarians, information specialists and library technicians) require knowledge gained through education to deliver quality library and information services. By meeting the information needs of their clients and encouraging them to acquire information literacy skills to seek, locate and use information they also facilitate knowledge creation.
All library and information professionals require sound practical knowledge and skills in order to effectively support the delivery of these library and information services. Experienced library and information specialists provide additional support by supervising staff, planning, implementing and evaluating services and systems and providing strategic thinking, innovation and leadership.
The library and information sector is characterised by a diverse workforce that is successful in:
promoting and defending the core values of the library and information profession
understanding and responding to cultural, social, information and learning needs of clients/stakeholders and customers
managing the storage, organisation, access, retrieval, dissemination and preservation of information and enabling free access and use of information
developing, delivering and evaluating information facilities, services, sources and products in response to client needs
envisioning and planning future directions for the sector
advancing library and information science in its adaptability, flexibility and autonomous application to information services
engaging with clients, community and other industries.
Knowledge of the broad context of the information environment
Library and information specialists must be able to:
understand, analyse and interpret the contexts in which information is originated, described, stored, organised, retrieved, disseminated, modified and used
understand the ethical, legal and policy issues that are relevant to the sector
discuss future directions and negotiate alliances for library and information sector development aligned with corporate, social and cultural goals and values
respectfully acknowledge, learn about and understand the important contribution of our first peoples, especially in their role as the inheritors and the custodians of the longest living human culture on earth.
Information seeking
Library and information specialists must be able to:
understand and investigate how information is effectively sought and utilised
identify and investigate information needs and information behaviour of individuals, community groups, organisations and businesses through creation, collaboration and partnerships.
Information architecture
Library and information specialists must be able to:
understand the importance of information technology and architecture to determine the structure, design and flows of information
analyse information flow and user needs to develop systems and interfaces that adhere to recognised usability and accessibility guidelines
work collaboratively with information technology servic