3. Managerial Process
This section of the SPMP specifies the management process for this project.
3.1 Management Objectives and Priorities
Describe the philosophy, goals, and priorities for managing this project. A flexibility matrix might be helpful in communicating what dimensions of the project are fixed, constrained and flexible. Each degree of flexibility column can contain only one “X”.
Project Dimension Fixed Constrained Flexible
Cost X
Schedule X
Scope (functionality) X
Table F-3: Flexibility Matrix
3.2 Assumptions, Dependencies, and Constraints
State the assumptions on which the project is based, any external events the project is dependent upon, and the constraints under which the project is to be conducted. Include an explicit statement of the relative priorities among meeting functionality, schedule, and budget for this project.
3.3 Risk Management
Describe the process to be used to identify, analyze, and manage the risk factors associated with the project. Describe mechanisms for tracking the various risk factors and implementing contingency plans. Risk factors that should be considered include contractual risks, technological risks, risks due to size and complexity of the product, risks in personnel acquisition and retention, and risks in achieving customer acceptance of the product. The specific risks for this project and the methods for managing them may be documented here or in another document included as an appendix or by reference.
3.4 Monitoring and Controlling Mechanisms
Define the reporting mechanisms, report formats, review and audit mechanisms, and other tools and techniques to be used in monitoring and controlling adherence to the SPMP. Project monitoring should occur at the level of work packages. Include monitoring and controlling mechanisms for the project support functions (quality assurance, configuration management, documentation and training).
A table may be used to show the reporting and communication plan for the project. The communication table can show the regular reports and communication expected of the project, such as weekly status reports, regular reviews, or as-needed communication. The exact types of communication vary between groups, but it is useful to identify the planned means at the start of the project.
Information Communicated From To Time Period
Status report Project Team Project Manager Weekly
Status report Project Manger Software Manager, Project Team Weekly
Project Review Project Team Software Manager Monthly
Table F-4: Communication and Reporting Plan
3.5 Staffing Approach.
Describe the types of skills required for the project, how appropriate personnel will be recruited, and any training required for project team members.