Values and Corporate Culture
It is values which determine who and what we are. Just as they influence our personal lives, values also impact our behaviour, actions, decisions and relationships. Similarly, values and standards can play a key role in the life of a company as well.
In September 2010 Audi Hungaria launched the “Culture of Cooperation” project, which was aimed at reviewing the existing corporate culture and exploring its potentials for improvement. The project focused on collecting and studying the most important values of the company. The survey unequivocally pointed out that the company’s strength lies in flexibility, a drive for excellent quality, efficiency and a target-oriented approach. The company’s employees rate these values positively and as they consider them to be self-evident, they consistently act in line with them. Reliability is another fundamental factor for our employees, which they strive to demonstrate at all times. Our employees have attached special significance to respect, the assumption of responsibility, word of honour, courage and a passion for all that we do. The goal of the project was to develop methods for raising awareness about these values.
Upon the conclusion of the project, a publication was drafted concerning the five values - respect, assumption of responsibility, team play, passion and courage. In addition to listing the above values, the Culture-Compass booklet provides important guidelines and golden rules concerning corporate culture. Raising awareness about the values not only strengthens the human dimension of the company’s dynamic growth, but also ensures the continued long-term development of Audi Hungaria.